Saturday, September 8, 2007

Congrats B.A.T.A

It was such a joyous occasion. I'm not gonna say much, I'm sure the bride will post an entry in here as soon as she comes back from her honeymoon in Hawaii! For pictures, you can go here or keep watching this space of the official wedding photographer for the events.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Counting the days

Less than a week left. A few final observations.
  1. If it isn't done by now then it won't be done at all. Time to take a leap of faith and let the chips fall where they may.
  2. There will always be people who try and take over. Tell them on no unconditional terms to back off.
  3. It's your wedding so make sure you get what you want. Be sure about what you want and communicate that vision to your dressmaker, makeup artist, photographer, florist and all else involved. There's nothing worse than an indecisive bride.
  4. Make sure your guests actually get their invitations. You'd be surprised how many people don't receive their invitation because the middleman forgets or just doesn't bother.
  5. We made the mistake of asking people to RSVP their regrets only. I now know that this was too trusting. I just assumed people have manners. After being forced to call several guests to confirm their attendance because of inconsistent RSVP's, we found that most people who couldn't attend hadn't bothered to let us know thinking we'd find out on the night. How rude!
  6. Wedding dinners aren't cheap affairs. It is crucial to get the headcount as close to exact as possible when confirming numbers with the venue. Empty tables are a waste of money and space. Most venues here allow you to use up some of the empty tables subsequent to your event but there is a limit on the number you can actually use later.
  7. For the brides, make sure you have a pair of backup shoes in case the pair you break a heel. Also, make sure you love your dress and are totally comfortable with your photographer and makeup artist. It all boils down to trust.
As we get closer to the day, I can't count the number of times I've been asked if I'm nervous or anxious. The answer is no. I'm just looking forward to getting it all over and done with so life can go back to normal albeit as Mr. and Mrs.