Monday, December 31, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

3 months later

A final post...3 months later...the aftermath in a sense. It's taken us this long to settle down and reflect on everything.

The wedding day itself was a whirlwind. It was over before we knew it! I was up at the crack of dawn for hair and makeup before my beautiful bridesmaid and the flower girls arrived for their primping.

At the appointed hour we heard car horns blaring outside the house heralding the arrival of the groom and his boys. Thankfully we didn't have to go through the whole (literally) torturous process of making the boys prove themselves to gain entry to the house so the boys proceeded to breakfast before Bryan was sent upstairs to "coax" me down.

We gathered everyone round for some photos before the tea ceremony. The kids seemed to really enjoy smiling for the camera and are still asking when we're going to do it again.

The tea ceremony is basically the bride's family handing her to the groom and sending her off to her new life. After a quick and dirty tea ceremony the boys ran off to the church taking the ring bearer and flower girls with them. Most of the family left for church at this stage leaving the house strangely quiet for the first time that day. I followed suit with my bridesmaid and official driver for the day a bit later.

Arriving at church right on the dot of 10am we find stragglers dashing into the church after spotting our car. Shame on you being later than the Bride! My bridesmaid and I carefully negotiated our way across the red carpet laid down over the grass in our heels and dresses. On hindsight, trains may not have been the best idea for the both of us considering the terrain leading up to the church.

There was a little wait outside the hall before the bridal procession could proceed in as more seating had to be set up for the guests. The flower girls were having a field day with their little headpieces and baskets and flouncing around in what they call their princess dresses while the ring bearer was more interested in finding out how everything was attached to the ring cushion.

Walking down the aisle towards the altar I noticed how packed the church was and all I could see (hazily through the veil) was a sea of smiling faces. My brother deposited me at the altar with Bryan and the ceremony proceeded smoothly. We pledged to honour each other mind, body and soul, promised to be faithful for richer or poorer, exchanged rings, kissed and were united in holy matrimony. The moment they announce "the new Mr. & Mrs. BJK" all I could think about was lunch! I was absolutely starving!

During the recessional we were pelted with flower petals and by the time we got outside we were actually shielding ourselves from the onslaught as the friends got a little overzealous and were throwing those petals at high velocity! I was told the boys were aiming for my cleavage hmph! I managed to grab a handful that had actually collected in my cleavage and retaliate at one point. We then proceeded to take more photos with the guests before being allowed to leave the church.

Next stop was the groom's parents' home for lunch before launching into another round of serving tea in return for ang pows and bling after which it was back to our new marital home for a well deserved siesta.

Siesta time was interrupted by the alarm clock sounding to tell us it was time to rise and shine. It was time for my second hair and makeup session of the day to make me fabulous for the dinner.

Dinner passed in a flash and before we knew it it was the end of the night, the oldies were leaving and the party was starting.

All the months of planning, preparation and stress was over in the blink of an eye. Enjoy every moment because it all passes in a flash and you wake up the next morning married and hungover.

As a belated postscript to the wedding, Mr. & Mrs. BJK would like to thank the everyone who helped out:

Our parents, family and friends who all pitched in to help out.
The emcee's at the church ceremony and wedding dinner - Dex & Lady G.
My brother's - for walking me down the aisle and doing the reading during the ceremony.
Those who manned the reception tables and ushered guests at church and the dinner.
The cake wrapping team who so efficiently helped to package the cake for all 700 dinner guests in one evening.
The designers, tailors, beaders and seamstresses at Josche Nelan and Weng Foo Tailor for the wonderful job on the dresses and suits.
The handsome best man (below) who proved he was really the best man for the job and spent so many hours running around with Mr. BJK.

My beautiful bridesmaid (below) who did a fantastic job waking up on time and keeping my train out of the way while I was moving around throughout the day.

The wonderful Shadon and his assistant Adik (below) who made us all look fabulous the whole day.

Princess at Shabby Chic for helping at the 11th hour with our giant layout for the dinner venue.
Our handsome photographer who tirelessly ran around the whole day and kept telling us to smile, smile and smile some more.

My personal net-Guru and cheerleader who helped out with the AV at the dinner without whom the guests would not have been entertained by photos from our pre-wedding shoot.And last but not least, to everyone who joined us on our special day and made it all the more festive.