Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wedding cake

Have u ever wonder where to order a wedding cake? Although major bakeries and cake shop do make them, I found this wedding cake rather a beauty. It is made by Sapphira Cake House. Those interested can called Madam Nori at 8984848


Anonymous said...

A very creative blog... keep up the good work

Brunei Foodies said...

thanks adidarwish, hopefully you can send in your contributions too ;)

Anonymous said...

For more detail visit us at sapphiracakes.blogspot.com


IngSiang said...

Wao, a blogger blog on K2 template! XD Clean site, xD.

I don't need a wedding cake, not yet, probably I'll ring them by 2020, 32 years old, not too late kan? xD

Sweet site.. =)

Unknown said...

Really both the images of wedding Cakes are so amazing, well decorated & of good design. I really appreciated all the hard work for making it. Thanks for sharing these beautiful images of cakes eith us.