Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shafique & Wanda

As promised earlier on, here is the complete post from their wedding events. Thanks to Fidz & Tiyah for the text & images respectively.

Nikah was held at individual venues, I think it is usually held under one roof (at the girls side) but instead of that the guy's nikah function was held at his place first and later went to the girls side at Kpg Mata-Mata. The bride's side managed to watch the Nikah function take place at our place via video call on Skype, apparently it was on projector for everyone to watch since it was not held under one roof. Technology these days!


Berbedak function took place on the 28th of March at the groom's side in Berakas. Outfit & accessories by Roza Rohaya located at Gadong Properties.

The Bersanding function took place on the 1st of April both at the groom's side while the bride's side was held at ICC. The groom's Bersanding clothing by Nurhayana Enterprise.

Ambil-ambilan was held at the bride's side in Kpg Mata-Mata. Congratulations again you both. Ok now go make lotsa lil Fiqs & Wandas! Hehe...

More photos here...
Shafiq & Wanda

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Delani & Handara's

My brother and some friends recently made their way to Jakarta to attend one of our good friends' wedding reception. It was held at the grand Balai Samudera. As you can see from the pictures below, it was a very lavish occassion attended by VIPs and performances by well-known Indonesian artist.

Congratulations Delani & Handara, may your marriage be a pleasant journey and an everlasting one too.

The Groom & Bride

Some of the invited guest.

With the VIPs, The Indonesian President and his First Lady.

Now thats what I call a cake!

With friends.

The Brunei posse putting on their best looks. Macam Mafia eh! Hehe...

Harvey Malaiholo sang the first song for the first dance.
There was also a performance by Vina Panduwinata.

Their Brunei wedding reception will be held this coming May. Will try and post more pics of that too.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SMARTER Five Hills Challenge

Date: Sunday, April 15th 2007
Time: 7am
Starting Venue: Tasek Lama
Other destinations include: Subok, Marakucing and Mentiri before heading to Bukit Shahbandar by either 1pm or 2pm

The SMARTER meaning to the five hills:

Five important challenges faced -

  1. 'The challenge of our children growing up'
  2. 'To advocate support and understanding from government agencies'
  3. 'The challenge of academic issues'
  4. 'The challenge of future employment'
  5. 'The challenge of higher education'
Other info:
  • Members of the public who wish to contribute and participate are welcome to join the charity event
  • SMARTER Brunei is targeting to raise enough funds to sustain them for six months
For more information, contact: Hj Malai Abdullah at 8743777 or Major Talip at 8865646 or Hj Yusuf Thani at 8732046

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Dave & Darlis

Their wedding was last year, now they are the proud parents of a handsome young boy named Lucas. These pictures are taken after their church wedding. I think pictures of that will be posted by BlackDiamonds soon.

This particular layout is made using Tabblo. Its a fun way of displaying your photos and best of all its free. All pics are taken by me using my Nokia N80 and enhanced a bit using Photoshop.

Tabblo: Dave & Dalis

Back from church ... See my Tabblo