Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SMARTER Five Hills Challenge

Date: Sunday, April 15th 2007
Time: 7am
Starting Venue: Tasek Lama
Other destinations include: Subok, Marakucing and Mentiri before heading to Bukit Shahbandar by either 1pm or 2pm

The SMARTER meaning to the five hills:

Five important challenges faced -

  1. 'The challenge of our children growing up'
  2. 'To advocate support and understanding from government agencies'
  3. 'The challenge of academic issues'
  4. 'The challenge of future employment'
  5. 'The challenge of higher education'
Other info:
  • Members of the public who wish to contribute and participate are welcome to join the charity event
  • SMARTER Brunei is targeting to raise enough funds to sustain them for six months
For more information, contact: Hj Malai Abdullah at 8743777 or Major Talip at 8865646 or Hj Yusuf Thani at 8732046

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