Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Groom's Groomer

It is a convention that the bride normally gets all the attention when comes to being made up for the wedding. The groom is normally left to the device of 'Pengangun Laki". They are normally consist of old ladies or men who have years of experience in preparing the Groom for the big wedding day. However, the role of the 'Pengangun Laki' could either be helping the Groom feeling more composed and less anxious through the bath rituals while the groomers will assist in the Groom to get ready, costume wise.

Today, there exists a new generation of young groomers who picked up the old traditions in assisting the Groom in putting on the wedding costume and possible slight make-up. Putting the wedding costume may be tricky in terms of using the 'sinjang' and 'dastar'. Therefore, the role of Groomers may prove useful and handy in assisting the Groom to look really like 'Raja Sehari' or King for the day! Make-up is used sparingly to prevent the Groom from looking pale or dull compared to the dolled-up bride.

Most of the existing Groomers do not have existing business establishments but mere recommendations from families and friends. If you know any Groomers to recommend, we would appreciate if you could email us at so that we can feature them in the directory and would be a useful guide for Groom- to- be.

*photos courtesy of Senor Pablo

1 comment:

kingpahat said...

wow...great wedding,like malaysia.