Monday, April 20, 2009

Singapore Wedding: Sadeq and Sara

sara with sadeq  478

Sadeq and Sara3  481

The Best Is Yet To Be
On your joyful wedding day,
You begin a brand new life.
Friends and family give their gifts
To joyful husband, blissful wife.
But the greatest gift you'll ever get,
A gift from heaven above,
Is love forever, ending never,
Everlasting love.
You'll share life's joy and pleasure;
You'll have plenty of that, it's true.
But love is the real treasure
For your new spouse and you.
And if life hands you challenges,
As it does to one and all,
Your love will hold you steady
And never let you fall.
Your wedding day is full of joy;
Tomorrow you cannot see.
But one thing's sure for the two of you:
The best is yet to be.
By Joanna Fuchs

Poem Source

sadeq n sara on pelamin  494

Heartiest congratulations to Sadeq and Sara on their joyous wedding occasion.

sadeq n sara love in their eyes  508

Love in your eyes

sara feeding sadeq  524

wid sara n sadeq's parents  499

with parents from both sides


Will said...

A really nice selection of photos to show what a wonderful wedding it was. Congratulations.

Becca@Catering Melbourne said...

Congratulations! Impressive and gorgeous wedding I've seen so far... How I wish I may attend such wedding ceremony in the future. That would be an honor to be one of witnesses of their vows. Thanks for sharing this.