Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Respondez s'il vous plait

So after a little wrangling with the parental units over the wording of the invitations, it looks like that's another thing off my only a thousand and one things left to do before the big day which is only 2 MONTHS AWAY!! *faint*

A few rules of thumb when writing your invitations:
  1. Proper traditional Chinese weddings will usually have 2 dinners - 1 hosted by the groom's family and the other by the bride's family. It is, therefore, very important to the oldies to state on the card who is hosting i.e. Mr & Mrs parents of the bride or Mr & Mrs parents of the groom.
  2. People will be late. Stating in bold letters on the invitation "Dinner will be served promptly at 730pm" never hurts as guests have noone to blame but themselves if they miss the first course.
  3. RSVP's are important. Set a date for your guests to RSVP by and if you've not heard from them by then you'll have to pick up the phone, flex that dialling finger and settle in for the long haul. As a guest, it's rude not to RSVP if asked to do so.
  4. Make your invitations pretty. Noone likes an ugly card. Simplicity is best. Also, so many people forego quality printing for price. Sometimes cheap printing can be good but most times it's a case of you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
  5. Make it clear to your guests how you expect them to dress. As a guest, turning up in jeans to a dinner with a formal dress code is inexcusable. I've half a mind to inspect each and every guest at my dinner and kick out those inappropriately dressed.
Tonight we start our marriage preparation counselling sessions as part of the church's efforts at preparing us for what's ahead. I'm assuming we'll be taught to love, cherish, honour and obey until death or divorce do us part. It's amazing the little things that you only find out about when you decide to get hitched.

Speaking of the church...while preparing the church booklet with the order of service, it's also just properly registered how long the wedding vows actually are. Must practice my serious voice so as not to giggle while reciting them. Don't think Reverend would be too pleased.

We're also on the hunt for a suitable roof to put over our heads. Time and time again I hear the same advice...don't live with parents. There can only be one mistress of the house and you want to be it. Me, I just want to joy of furnishing a house. Nesting is fun and gives me an excuse to shop shop shop and did I mention shopping?? :)

Got both our mummies together earlier this week and zipped through the guestlist and a few other things so I feel a little more settled now. Next thing on the list is to mobilize the soldiers and start assigning tasks to people for the day itself. The more the merrier I guess :)

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