Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Looking to the future

Things seem to be moving along albeit a little more slowly than I'd like but still they're moving.

The church started announcing our banns of marriage last weekend. To my knowledge, the Catholic church simply posts your intention to marry on their notice board but our Anglican church takes a more public approach. They will announce them in the Sunday service for the 3 consecutive weeks immediately preceding your wedding date and you're asked to stand up and identify yourself to the congregation. Now this is all and well if there are several couples intending to tie the knot but when you're the only one, it can get rather disconcerting to have all eyes on you.

The banns essentially give anyone the right to object to the marriage or bring to the attention of the church any reason why these 2 individuals should not be married. I'd like to think that we don't have any skeletons in our closets that are serious enough to prevent the union but one never knows.... It does however leave the couple open to attack by malicious individuals wanting to disrupt the marriage for whatever reason doesn't it?? Anyway, next week I think I should take full advantage of the public nature of the announcement; dress to the nines and do the Miss Universe wave :)

Moving from "ME" to "WE" is a rather daunting thought and requires some minor adjustments (on my part anyway). I'm so used to being my own person and doing as I like but the mind is slowly adjusting. I have faith that I will remember that I have an other half when the time comes.

One thing I am grateful for is that we've both lived and done everything so we won't be left wondering "what did I miss??" a few years on. Get it all out of your system and sow those wild oats before you settle down I say. No regrets later. We all come to a time in our lives where we think that it's time to bite the bullet and commit. Some arrive sooner rather than later but most of us do arrive eventually.

So it's 3 weeks to THE day. In 23 days I'll be married erk! Who would have guessed...

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