Thursday, May 24, 2007

And the going is rough

So many things to do. So little time to do it. I'm so glad that both families are non-traditional and only demand that we do the bare minimum when it comes to wedding ceremonies. The flow has been decided now we just have to get the people and outfits for each.

I spent a few days in Singapore for work this week but managed to squeeze an hour for a mad dash to Arab Street to get fabric for outfits. I didn't have time to trawl the shops for bling as instructed by mother and grandmother. This is the first time I've heard mother say "don't worry about the cost" when talking about bling! I was overjoyed! Tiffanys??

Shoes. I think the pair of shoes you walk down the aisle in are crucial. It's the pair of shoes that will carry me down the aisle towards the future basically if you want to look at it that way. I'm refuse to wear a pair of crappy cheapo wobbly heeled one time only shoes because in my mind it shows that the event is not important enough to merit a proper pair of solidly made shoes. I believe you should walk towards your future on a solid footing and firm foundation. To that end I'm looking into the budget to see if there's money to get me a pair of Choos.

Dress. Design's sorted. A choice of fabric will be winging its way home with me in a few hours and I'll be seeing my tailor tomorrow. Once that's done then I can concentrate on veil, shoes and accessories. This is the one day you get to wear a tiara without question!

Hair & makeup. Sorted! Who else but the one and only style icon. I couldn't go for anyone less.

Flowers. As if we have a choice! Ken Florist was the only choice. It's all in good hands.

Receptions. Sorted kind of. Venues that can accommodate the number of guests are few and far between so it's not really a choice. I only have one rule - No Karaoke!

The groom needs to be sorted out so I think I'll spend next week doing that together with finalizing invitations. The groom always seems to need sorting out :p

We've embarked on a spiritual journey now that we're required to attend Sunday Mass on a regular basis. I never realised how many familiar faces are regular churchgoers. The bright side is the Sunday morning breakfast after the 8am Mass.

1 comment:

Woman on Top said...

you know just reading about this and how excited you are makes me wanna get hitched too! haha. bah share some more!!

oh and congratulations! :)