Monday, May 7, 2007

Fastforward to Bride - The Beginning

1 May 2007. That's the day life as I know it changed. I am no longer allowed to count myself amongst the singletons of the world, albeit with a significant other but as yet unmarried. The rock on my ring finger of my left hand now serves to remind me that I am about to pledge myself body and soul, to another.

So how did this happy situation come about? In a nutshell, boy meets girl, boy saves his number in girls mobile phone under assumed name, girl discovers number weeks later and hazards a call, boy takes girl out for a beer, boy and girl somehow start spending a lot of time together, 6 months later boy and girl resign themselves to being an item. Now fastforward to 1 May 2007. Boy and girl are on holiday, girl refuses to get out of bed, boy pops the question, girl feigns initial ignorance but eventually says yes. Yes the ring is a real diamond. Yes he bought it himself.

The proposal wasn't meant to be what it eventually turned out to be. Although B's really tight lipped about it, from the fragments of information that I've gathered it seems that he's been plotting for a while and practically everyone was in on it. The original plan was to pop the questin while riding the glass bottomed cable car from Mount Faber to Sentosa but in his own words "it didn't seem like we were going to make it so I thought I'd propose in your favourite place - the bed!". I'm just thankful he didn't do it in the middle of Orchard Road! That would have been a disaster...can you imagine me going "ok we'll talk about this later, let me finish shopping first" *roll eyes* True shopaholic am I.

To the fellas out there, if your girl isn't the type to declare her love at the top of her lungs from the top of Wheelock Place then for both your sakes, pop the question privately. Doing it in a public place with hundreds of eyes staring and waiting for an answer can be nerve wracking to say the least. Also, to me, a private moment between the both of you when you ask that oh so special question is infinitely more beautiful than the most publicly lived out moment imaginable. Plus...if she says no in public what on earth would you do?!?!

The parents have been told. Today we tackled the remaining grandparents. My lovely grandmother took her sweet time getting settled, seated B directly opposit her in her living room and conducted a mini-interrogation - when's the wedding? where will you live? you better look after her? and so on and so forth. B emerged unscathed, after all when your grandmothers were good friends and fathers went to University together, you're not going to have much of a problem getting accepted by each other's families.

Since we got engaged, it's been a whirlwind of attention. I'm not usually one to shun attention but I'm getting to the stage where if I could, I would blush, stammer thanks you's and run away. A big thank you to all those who've wished us well - now watch me lose my mind trying to organise a wedding...MY wedding *faint*

I must say that getting engaged and putting together a wedding has opened a whole new world of internet resources to me. Gone are the days I surf looking to perv at the latest handbag or another pair of Choos. Now it's to sites like the knot or Female Brides for information and ideas. Can someone tell me if there's a difference between a dress and a wedding dress? To me the only discernible difference is the price they stick on the one meant for brides. Does becoming a bride give retailers carte blanche to rob you blind?? For God's sake, an invitation card is an invitation card regardless of whether it's for a birthday party, coming out of the closet or a wedding!

Engagement annoucements out of the way we're looking at maybe biting the bullet at the end of August. A long engagement would just be a pain for the both of us. We figure it's best to just jump right in.
How do I feel you may ask?? I feel fine. Much as B popping the question was a surprise, I think deep down I had a feeling it was going to happen this year. Even his 4 year old neice has been telling everyone that we're getting married this year - psychic maybe? I'm happy, he's happy, the families seem happy, my brother's are eagerly awaiting ang pow's next Chinese New Year. The enormity of it all has settled in - this will actually be something that's forever and ever and ever, not until next season's collection comes out. To put to rest any doubters and dissenters out there, I have 2 words for you - I do.

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