Monday, May 28, 2007

Memoirs of a Bride (Part 2)

Signing in the morning at my house

Victim of Bebedak Mandi

The stairs done by no other than me. Flowers flown in from KL by Dr Ismail. Bought in SSF by my friend Tasha who gets 50% discount!

Make up artist is my aunt who had her courses in London. Currently she lives in Abu Dhabi so I was lucky she was back on holidays to do my make up.

Hantaran from Nasir which was fixed by his sister in law's family.

Pembalas from me which was fixed by myself. Flowers custom made to my liking. Also flown from KL, also organised by Tasha.

All that glitters are diamonds! Tiara lent by my Aunt (she bought it in Korea). Very bling bracelet and necklace lent by Sera's mum. Bangle lent by my grand mum. Rings lent by my mum. Veil bought from Saffy.

My baju (dress). beads sewn and diamonds stuck on by myself.

Shoes from Prettyfit. A gift from Nasir during Raya last year that I didnt get to use much.

Nasir and uncle during the Akad Nikah.

Envelope made from Digital Impressions (KL)

Wedding favours. Chocolate mud cake from Bakerlyn Cake Shop.

Nasir's ring. Made to order from Diamond & Platinum.

My ring. Also made to order from Diamond & Platinum.

Wedding cake from Empire Hotel. A gift sponsored from my uncle Saiful Bahri.

Pelamin made from Norhayana. Made new for me (i gave them the design).
For more photos, click here.

Bulimic: Thank you for your wonderful contribution Muizzah. Everything looks so lovely, from the cake to the rings. On behalf of The Wedding Blog team, we wish Nasir & you a happy marriage and may you both be blessed by Allah SWT always. Amin.


Boing Boing said...

Hey Mui! I'm very impressed with your stairs design and the hantaran that you made! :) Real nice!!! I can see that it is made with love...

Muizzah said...

hehehe... thank u! i try ;)

Mamalobengs said...

Congrats Nassir & Muizzah!! Happiness and blessings to both of you!!

Muizzah said...

Thanks 'mamalobengs'! :)