No one woke me up today so I end up waking up at 11am. Such a great rest! I wait for my maids to send my white outfit to my room while surfing the net and my cousin Illah yells at me telling me to have a shower and I quote "you're lucky you don't have a pengangun, or else you'd be mandi at 8". The family was over last night to berjaga-jaga and only went home at 1:30am (thus my reason for waking up late).
I don't do much today, just waiting for the evening to come. As usual, Moore and Bu Amas arrive to do hair and make up around 6. It's a smaller function today, only close relatives are invited. I'm getting used to all this being made up and 'presenting' myself to a crowd and I feel more relaxed as I'm get ready. I'm nearly done when I change into my outfit. Moore finishes off with my hair as I pick out a kain kapit and shoes. I'm ready and all excited to go down. Its Bungsu's turn to bring me down this time.
On my way down I still hear the usual don't show 'teeth smile' and I think to myself what is the big deal, its only close family anyways. I'm still talking and laughing on my way down (making the elders more riuh) and just before I go in the pelamin room I flash a big teeth smile to my aunt and go in with a more serious face.
Today I'm just uncontrollable. My eyes are all over the place, my smile is super wide, I am myself! Everyone takes turn to put on the pacar on my palms (just like during berbedak). Its all over my palm! I think to myself that after they're done its not gone be neat! It was over really quick. I went up to my bilik gata to have the pacar properly put on my hands and feet (doing it traditional style). There was a short debate whether I changed into my white outfit or if I just used what I had on. Babu said I had to look 'nice' so that ended the debate and I used my berpacar outfit.
First my right hand was done. I told Nini Pengangun to not make it too long on my fingers and not to have the circle too big on the palm. She's very flexible so that was nice. My bottom started aching. It didn't help that I was sitting on wood (gata bed had no mattress). I became restless to somehow ease the pain. Finally I was left to wait (alone). People came in and out of the room talking about what was 'happening' downstairs. Apparently my cousin 'opened' a casino! I really wanted to come down as it was getting boring in the room. I think if anyone wants to berpacar, do it where the crowd is so you wont be lonely! Just after midnight I was allowed to remove my pacar. I went down to see what was left of my guests but there was none. Tomorrow is my bersanding and I should be having my beauty nap. I put on my eye mask and head off to sleep. I'm excited!
Unedited entry by the bride herself, Muizzah.
Photography by eyan.
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