Congratulations to Zarra PHD and Aiman Salsabeelaa on their engagement and Nikah this afternoon. Here are some photos from today's function. 

Mr and Mrs...

Gifts for Zarra and ring for her

Groom getting ready for the nikah

Zarra waiting patiently for the big moment.. becoming.. someone's Mrs..

Getting blessings from her hubby
Wishing Zarra and Salsabeela.. the best for their new life and happiness forever...
congrates... di sini tah ganya ku meliat ko nikah...sedihnya.... wawawa... hahaha... semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu n sampai tua....
assalamualaikum..congrats to both of u.. semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu... selamat pengantin baru.. walaupun di website ani ku "ter"lihat ko nikah, at least now i know that your married hehehhe... and wish you the best of the best... from your friend..204 :)
too much make up on u.. u're already beautiful.. shud be lesser.. no offense.. but next ceremony (bersanding) lesser ler.. hehehe..
Baik orang atu.. kawin inda bagitau ah... siuk sendiri lu ya... selama ani ada rupanya... tapuk2 lu ya...
Errr... i think it's Zary and Ainan. Coz Zara is my 'biras' and Aiman is my baby boy's name...Zary's favourite nephew!! Heeee...
Assalammualaikum...aduh aduh, tkjut banget sih..ngak kasi tau sma kmi ya..apa jua kmi ani Nan ah..out of sight out of mind..wakil dari kekawan mu G41 UBD wana wish u smga bkekalan hingga ke akhr hayat..siap ko nti..hahaha..
Congrats ainan! i knew dat u wudnt invite us! glad i went thru dis website...was just lookin ard ppl's wedding photos n was shocked to see ur name appeared here...
but im happy for u..u both look great together! :-) semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu & ke ahir hayat..jadi th suami yg soleh..ehehehe ohh btw, ure lucky coz ur wife is such a nice gurl u noe..bumped into u guys once n she sed hi to me wif dat beautiful smile.. =D
Aiiiii.....nnannnn aku bnr2 tekajut...i juz heard d news yday!!n its true!!!hehehehehe at least we know ur married already...juz wana wakili our batch PrimE 01-05 wishing u endless happiness dunia akhirat, amin!!!! -515-
weii...congrats zary...finally u dah jdi milik org..semoga bahagia selalu..frm ur best x-classmate frn.HaniPHS
hi nan, congrats eh u kawin with such a very beautiful . wonderful girl that i've known.. she is very very loving one.... jaga ia bisai2 jadi bini dah tu.... ok... happy selalu..
hi ainan, just to say tahniah on ur wedding with a very beautiful, loving, caring, women we have ever known..take care of sure she will be happier now.. send regards to her..
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