Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Walking down that aisle

The million dollar question: Who will walk me down that aisle to give me away? My beloved daddy has long since passed so that puts the kibosh on the traditional daddy daughter walk. I found this helpful article on eHow which has given me a few ideas. I wonder how everyone will take to me walking down the aisle solo? Not being regarded as a chattel to be traded. No connotations of ownership and being given away. Instead, you can read it as saying, I am my own person and do this of my own volition and free will.

There's 2 months to go to the Big Day. Things seem to be settling in nicely although no less stressfully. It's true when they say getting hitched is one of the more stressful situations in life. So many things to do, so little time! Thankfully, the mothers have taken things into their own hands so all we have to worry about are clothing ourselves, our guest lists and invitations....oh! and of course the hen and stag nights.

Marriage preparation classes have started and we seem to have stumbled onto the difference between the Anglican and Catholic churches - the Anglicans teach the bride and groom about sex, its phases and *ahem* resolution while the Catholics emphasize procreation and how to tell when you're at your most fertile. At our first session last week, the importance and sanctity of the institution of marriage was impressed upon us. They also taught us that the bible says that the bride and groom must leave their parents to start their own lives together - if that's not an endorsement of moving out I don't know what is! Tonight we will learn about "Communication"... I think I may need to get myself a bible. Anyone know where I can download a free copy?

There's been lots of talk about the order of Chinese weddings, in particular, about the games the groom and his brothers have to play when they come to pick up the bride. The bride and her sisters will put the boys through a set of tests to make the groom prove himself. Traditionally in Old China, it would be a way for the bride to test the groom's dedication and (fool)hardyness as they will most likely not Mr & Mrs Chia's was the last one I went to. All in all its a fun but exhausting exercise. I am thankful that my mother has declared "Us Hainanese don't do that sort of thing!" That means a little bit more sleep in the morning. After all who in their right mid would want to turn up at their own wedding with dark circles under their eyes!

I was chatting to a friend earlier today when it hit me just how much my life has changed in the past few years. My whole world view has shifted from one party after another to let's take care of me. I now believe that if you take care of yourself, the rest will come. My immediate concern used to focus on finding the next happening occasion, now it's turned to more domestic matters. Setting up house and home. I'm even getting the urge to go all Martha Stewart and start baking! God help us all!

The house has been secured and minor patching up is underway. I never knew just how much fun furniture shopping can be! A whole new world of retail opportunities has opened. To avoid totally breaking the bank we're taking the tried and tested approach of a wedding registry. Close friends who want to contribute something more personal than an ang pow have the option of helping us furnish our home. Of course one must take great care not to go overboard - it is not polite to ask your friends to buy you a complete B & O home entertainment centre! Not unless your friends include the likes of the Hilton sisters who might oblige without batting an eyelid.

1 comment:

David Revere said...

We registered for everything from chocolate bars to dishwashers! May I wish you a joyous and beautiful wedding day.