Saturday, July 21, 2007

Wedding Wish List

Chinese weddings usually call for the gifting of gold jewelery by family and little red packets of joy by friends and wedding guests. However, in recent years, I find that couples tying the knot have sought assistance of their close friends to defray the cost of setting up home.

The comment by David on my last post inspired me to upload our Wish List. I'm calling it a wish list as opposed to a gift list simply because it's not a common practice here in Brunei. Wedding invitations will be sent out next week and guests who are wondering about gifts are most welcome to peruse the list. My fantasy wish list can be found here for those who are feeling exceptionally generous :p If nothing on the list appeals, I'm collecting Supa Save stamps so I can get the full Breville collection on offer.

I notice that our very own Inner Space offers a Gift Registry service which I have yet to avail myself of. I wish that most of the major department stores would catch on. It is a rather exhausting to trawl through these stores meticulously documenting brand, description, pricing and product codes to enable generous well-wishers to identify the product with accuracy.

Some may say that telling people exactly what to buy for you does away with the element of surprise. I say surprise is underrated especially when faced with 10 different toasters gifted by 10 different people. As a wedding guest, I've always appreciated it if the wedding couple indicate to us exactly what they need (or don't need) so I can gift them with something that will be appreciated and most importantly, used!

I recall a friend sometime ago telling me that one of the wedding guests had decided to help her decorate her home by buying them a we all know that art is subjective - I may not like what you like - the scuplture now sits in the happy couple's storeroom gathering dust and housing spiderwebs. It is a shame because the sculpture was obviously expensive and the gifter obviously spent a lot of time and effort selecting it.

I may come across as presumptuous and a bit of a b*tch r bridezilla but I believe in being practical. It's always best to give (and receive) something that will actually be used. Moral of the story the absence of a wish or gift list, little red packets are always welcome.

Next post...the appearance of Bridezilla!

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