Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sharifah Eliza and Walee Part 2

Here you can see Lft (U) Walee in white songket ensemble for the berziarah ceremony and white mess jacket for the bersanding ceremony.

Lft (U) Walee's friends came to give him the 'salute' during the wedding.

Congrats.. once again to a beautiful couple and may you be blessed with happiness always. Amin!
More pics update soon.


Anonymous said...

thank u for visiting my website

Anonymous said...

Hi.. congratz on your wedding.. your makeup was so beautiful.. I am wondering if you can give me the contact number of Hjh Zaleha? She did a stunning job!

Senor Pablo said...

Hi Ms Anon.... You can reach Hjh Zaleha... on 8738844

Good luck on your wedding!!